Raising Grandchildren
Raising Grandchildren
Hey there, I'm Kim!
A Grand’s Life started as a way to cope with being thrown back into motherhood in my late 50’s. Yes, I’m a grandmother to two beautiful boys. This blog is about motherhood in reverse. That is, MOTHERHOOD in your 50’s and beyond.
I'm one of nearly three million amazing grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. Raising children today is full of unexpected twists and turns. So buckle up, Buttercup, I'm here to share some practical tips and inspiration that will make your journey a little easier. Plus, a few tips for nourishing your grand heart and soul..
Whether you're a grandmother like me, a "later life" mom, or somewhere in between, I've got you covered! Let's find the joy in each passing day and explore the possibilities. Together, we'll raise our little humans to be the best they can be. While we nurture who we are.
They don't call us "Grand" for nothing!
Ready to join me?
Raising Kids is Easy!
Easy for me to say, Right? Raising kiddos is far from easy. Especially, when you are not in the “childbearing” demographic. I’m the “granny” demographic. Ok, I’m not quite ready for assisted living but, you get the idea.
Raising kids IS easier when you are younger
Age has never really bothered me. The trouble is I never planned to be a mom at this age! Being a parent again was unexpected and chaotic to say the least. Add to that, being surrounded by 20-30 something moms isn’t helping with my state of overwhelm. They are “fresher” and seem to have the confidence it took me my whole life to achieve. Is age really “just a number?”
Imagine, getting a phone call and within 42 hours you had two little boys for keeps. One call changed our world. And we did not see it coming!
70+ and raising children
Considering, I’ll be in my late 70’s when the last boy graduates high school I better embrace the fact I will most likely be the oldest “mom”, always…
Click below to learn more about my story and why this mission to provide resources for those going through something similar is SO important to me…
“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory”
Embracing Unexpected Life Changes
Finding Joy in Reality
Navigating Foster Care Adoption